OpenGraph tags allow website creators to determine how link previews will be displayed on other platforms, such as Discord or Mastodon, by defining the thumbnail image, page title, and various other display attributes. This is a proposal of a new OpenGraph tag that would highlight article writers and website creators on Mastodon, the fediverse:creator tag.


Instead of showing an unclickable plain text name of the author, with a fediverse:creator tag present on the website, we can render a rich link to the given Mastodon/Ghost/Flipboard/etc profile underneath the main preview, allowing people to open the profile right in their Mastodon app and engage with the author.



This will highlight journalists that actively use Mastodon and help them cultivate an audience on the platform that is independent of their publisher.

How it works

<meta property="fediverse:creator" content="username@domain" />
